Happiness and "true love" are two things that many of us seek on a daily basis. The craving for love has resulted in a billion dollar industry of self-help and theatrically-trained "life coaches" who promise to heal the world with their artificial ideas of spirituality.
But the fact is that true love and happiness are much simpler to attain than we often think, and we needn't over-rely on life coaches, gurus or self-proclaimed healers to achieve either; we are equipped by Nature to experience both on our own! We only experience misery when we are attached to wishing, agony, and the idea that we are deficient. The truth is that love and happiness are not things we attain (as possessions) from another, they are things we experience from being in touch with the Source of who we are, which is the Heart and the Original Mother of the human soul.
The truth is that misery only occurs when we become overly attached to the the idea of True Love as existing outside of ourselves. Misery occurs when we allow ourselves to obsess in fantasy about what we want, as egos, rather than what we already have as souls.
Biological parents are the first bearers of true love that we experience as human beings. When they fail to transmit and express that true love, it sets us on a path of desperation to find it. The desperation then becomes a self-destructive set of behaviors that leads us into one failed relationship after the next, trying to recover from that first loss.
But what we aren't taught, and what religion cannot teach us is that True Love comes from within, and that we have access to our own Mothers, the one who gave us life. True Love is the Original Source of our human existence; it is the Mother of the human soul and the life-giving force that shapes the contours of our human existence. The Mother is our destiny, it is our karma, it is our fate. So, if you want to heal your destiny, your karma, or your fate, get in touch with your Original Mother, your soul, because no one else can heal you and deliver from misery better than She.
Brightest Blessings,