If you’re human, you’ve experienced times of heaven and hell in your life. You’ve experienced times when things were great and bright, and you’ve experienced times when things have been painful and dark.
What I’m here to say is that that what matters most isn’t what happens to us, it’s how we react to those things, whether good or bad.
Forgive me for not citing the original author of that thought and quote.
When I am feeling down, what I do is try my best and stay aligned with the mind of the Creator, or that essence of higher intelligence that communicates to me when my mind is free from the encapsulating and imprisoning physical world that’s full of drama, uncertainty and confusion.
The mind of the Creator cannot be accessed when the human mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Self.
Thoughts of Self are grounded in selfishness and self preoccupation.
In the mindset of Self, I cannot experience bliss and connectivity that comes from soaring like a bird to the mind of the Creator; In thoughts of Self, I’m chained to the past or experiencing anxiety about the future.
In the mind of the Creator, I’m free.
This morning I was listening to the birds as they sang and tuning in to the messages of their songs.
And they sing songs imbibed with wisdom!
They said: “People come and go. Situations come and go. We live and we die. That is life.”
I accept their messages. We might as well all accept those messages.
If you are struggling with being chained to the past, or having obsessive thoughts about the future, here are my tips for you:
- Learn to live in the here and now: You can’t relive a past that is dead and gone, and you can’t live in a future that is yet to be.
- Release attachment to how you want things to be: You can’t control life. You can only accept it as it comes. If it hands you lemons, as they say, learn to make lemonade.
- Remember that others may be struggling far worse than you: There are others among us that are struggling with death, dying, poor health, poverty, lack of clean water and natural resources. Express gratitude!
- Don’t over-identify with your pain! Give yourself permission to be free like a bird and soar mentally and emotionally! Commune with Mother Nature and listen to her speak words and thoughts of love to you.
- Walk away from situations that are emotionally draining and toxic to you! You were not put here to save anyone or be an angel. Angels are not human, they are emanations from God. Let yourself serve the higher purposes of Good, but don’t get attached and think it’s about you! Your birthright is happiness, not suffering.
I will continue to write on these topics. Next one is about being too attuned to negative energy and how to work with the subconscious.
Offered in light and love,