The image to the left shows two trees intertwined, and yet separate. Each enjoys and basks in the other's presence, but they are no doubt single; they stand alone, and yet, their individual colors show vibrancy and joy.
Imagine being one of those trees!
In our world, we are constantly inundated with messages to tell us that if we're not partnered we are somehow lonely. There are no shortage of movies, television shows, and images ready to reinforce the idea that being single is the same as being lonely.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Turn off media and go within!
Loneliness is a state of mind that comes from a desire to experience wholeness. We feel lonely because we are searching for outward symbols of validation; we ignore our own self-worth and falsely assume that someone or something else can give it to us.
No-thing, no one, or anything outwardly acquired can provide us with a sense of wholeness we seek; it must come from within. Life doesn't afford us with the ongoing opportunity to stay unaware of ourselves. Life is about gaining self-knowledge and growth (like the trees), and partnership is a reward for the inner work we have done to accept ourselves.
Remember: There are no shortcuts. The Universe doesn't offer cliff notes or extra credit for the assignments we are given. We must do our work!
If we operate from a sense of need (or loneliness), we will inevitably attract others who haven't much to give. On the other hand, if we operate from a sense of wholeness, we will attract others who have much to give--we will attract a complement who will enhance our own colors and vibrations. Once again, look at the image of the trees!
This is the essence of the law of attraction.
If you find yourself in a relationship with someone who doesn't acknowledge what you have to give, who doesn't bring out the best in you, and who doesn't share their highest gifts with you, chances are you have manifest a tree stump, and not a tree.
You have manifest and attracted a character (not a partner) who has come to remind you of the work need to do toward total self-acceptance and the deep self-esteem still waiting to be claimed.
For singles: If you insist that being single means that you are lonely or otherwise unhappy without a partner, you will continue to manifest partners that will bring you unhappiness and loneliness.
Again, the law of attraction!
The key to relieving loneliness is wholeness, and wholeness starts from an inward journey towards self-acceptance.
I offer personalized classes and coaching sessions on wholeness and self-discovery.
Please contact me at 612-567-0493 for more information.
Imagine being one of those trees!
In our world, we are constantly inundated with messages to tell us that if we're not partnered we are somehow lonely. There are no shortage of movies, television shows, and images ready to reinforce the idea that being single is the same as being lonely.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Turn off media and go within!
Loneliness is a state of mind that comes from a desire to experience wholeness. We feel lonely because we are searching for outward symbols of validation; we ignore our own self-worth and falsely assume that someone or something else can give it to us.
No-thing, no one, or anything outwardly acquired can provide us with a sense of wholeness we seek; it must come from within. Life doesn't afford us with the ongoing opportunity to stay unaware of ourselves. Life is about gaining self-knowledge and growth (like the trees), and partnership is a reward for the inner work we have done to accept ourselves.
Remember: There are no shortcuts. The Universe doesn't offer cliff notes or extra credit for the assignments we are given. We must do our work!
If we operate from a sense of need (or loneliness), we will inevitably attract others who haven't much to give. On the other hand, if we operate from a sense of wholeness, we will attract others who have much to give--we will attract a complement who will enhance our own colors and vibrations. Once again, look at the image of the trees!
This is the essence of the law of attraction.
If you find yourself in a relationship with someone who doesn't acknowledge what you have to give, who doesn't bring out the best in you, and who doesn't share their highest gifts with you, chances are you have manifest a tree stump, and not a tree.
You have manifest and attracted a character (not a partner) who has come to remind you of the work need to do toward total self-acceptance and the deep self-esteem still waiting to be claimed.
For singles: If you insist that being single means that you are lonely or otherwise unhappy without a partner, you will continue to manifest partners that will bring you unhappiness and loneliness.
Again, the law of attraction!
The key to relieving loneliness is wholeness, and wholeness starts from an inward journey towards self-acceptance.
I offer personalized classes and coaching sessions on wholeness and self-discovery.
Please contact me at 612-567-0493 for more information.