So much has been written about the concept of the "Twin Flame", and so many have come to me inquiring about it, that I felt compelled to explain things from my own experiences. So bear with me.
Firstly, please allow me give a cursory definition of what Twin Flames are:
They are two souls who come to earth originating from the same soul group and source.
On the earth plane, they may lead or have led very different lifestyles, may not be immediately attracted to one another physically, and in fact may never meet face-to-face at all. The flame that unites them is inner and not dependent on the outer. Because the purpose of their reunion is to awake psychic and soulful awareness, Twins often meet while living at a distance and live distances apart. Physical distance requires them find each other, organically, across all boundaries, soul-to-soul. Sexual chemistry and physical attraction are byproducts of their connection, not causes of it.
Secondly, just because we find one or more Twin Flames while here on earth, doesn't mean we are destined to be together with them for life. To the contrary, usually we are not destined to have a conventional earthbound relationship with a Twin, and it is not uncommon to reunite with a Twin while married or involved in other earthly relationships. This is what can make reuniting with a Twin Flame so painful and emotionally and mentally taxing. Some writers on this topic have mentioned that in the Twin Flame union, there is one who is the "Runner" and the other the "Chaser." While I don't dispute that this often happens, to me, it's more accurate to say that Twins have earthbound challenges to overcome that interfere with them maintaining an earthly union. It's the earthbound challenges, also called "Karma," that brought each here in the first place, and it's what each came to resolve -- separately and uniquely. They could not resolve those challenges and those karmic lessons in the comfort of their own blissful cocoon.
They choose others as life partners to resolve those challenges and karmic lessons.
Thirdly, Twin Flames experience love that is unconditional. It is not a love based on the ego needs, such as "He/She makes ME feel" this way or that. It is a love that comes from the Cosmos and penetrates the earth plane through the souls of two human beings. The love that is felt as euphoria stemming from ME or I is ego-based love, and is not the same as a love that comes upon us from seemingly out of nowhere and cannot easily be explained. It is the same type of love identical twins would feel for each other. Their connection is metaphysical, telepathic, felt in the spirit and soul, and life affirming.
Twin Flames can feel each other's thoughts as bodily sensations at a distance. These bodily sensations are sexual because it is through sexuality that the flame of love is nurtured and bonded. For instance, heterosexual men will feel themselves inside the sexual organs of their Twin, and females will feel the penetration of the male Twin as if he were actually there. The bodies unite in thought and produce the same sensations as if they were touching in real time.
Twins experience telepathic sexuality through the sexual chakras using their thoughts as the conductor, not their bodies. This type of sexual intimacy creates a pleasure that is otherworldly and immensely gratifying, especially to the soul, because that's where it originates.
If you sense that you have reunited with a Twin Flame, take caution. This reunion wasn't designed to reward your journey with a "Happily Ever After," like a Hollywood film. It was designed to awaken you to who you truly are, and to help you learn to love from the highest plane we can experience while here on earth; the plane where truly unconditional love exists, also called Heaven.
It was designed to unleash your soul from the captivity of your ego self and shine light on your real and truest identity.
In closing, remember that Heaven, like true love, cannot be possessed or manipulated. It can only be experienced, and if it comes, trust that you've been blessed, even if it doesn't stay very long.
Lovingly submitted to all searching souls,
Firstly, please allow me give a cursory definition of what Twin Flames are:
They are two souls who come to earth originating from the same soul group and source.
On the earth plane, they may lead or have led very different lifestyles, may not be immediately attracted to one another physically, and in fact may never meet face-to-face at all. The flame that unites them is inner and not dependent on the outer. Because the purpose of their reunion is to awake psychic and soulful awareness, Twins often meet while living at a distance and live distances apart. Physical distance requires them find each other, organically, across all boundaries, soul-to-soul. Sexual chemistry and physical attraction are byproducts of their connection, not causes of it.
Secondly, just because we find one or more Twin Flames while here on earth, doesn't mean we are destined to be together with them for life. To the contrary, usually we are not destined to have a conventional earthbound relationship with a Twin, and it is not uncommon to reunite with a Twin while married or involved in other earthly relationships. This is what can make reuniting with a Twin Flame so painful and emotionally and mentally taxing. Some writers on this topic have mentioned that in the Twin Flame union, there is one who is the "Runner" and the other the "Chaser." While I don't dispute that this often happens, to me, it's more accurate to say that Twins have earthbound challenges to overcome that interfere with them maintaining an earthly union. It's the earthbound challenges, also called "Karma," that brought each here in the first place, and it's what each came to resolve -- separately and uniquely. They could not resolve those challenges and those karmic lessons in the comfort of their own blissful cocoon.
They choose others as life partners to resolve those challenges and karmic lessons.
Thirdly, Twin Flames experience love that is unconditional. It is not a love based on the ego needs, such as "He/She makes ME feel" this way or that. It is a love that comes from the Cosmos and penetrates the earth plane through the souls of two human beings. The love that is felt as euphoria stemming from ME or I is ego-based love, and is not the same as a love that comes upon us from seemingly out of nowhere and cannot easily be explained. It is the same type of love identical twins would feel for each other. Their connection is metaphysical, telepathic, felt in the spirit and soul, and life affirming.
Twin Flames can feel each other's thoughts as bodily sensations at a distance. These bodily sensations are sexual because it is through sexuality that the flame of love is nurtured and bonded. For instance, heterosexual men will feel themselves inside the sexual organs of their Twin, and females will feel the penetration of the male Twin as if he were actually there. The bodies unite in thought and produce the same sensations as if they were touching in real time.
Twins experience telepathic sexuality through the sexual chakras using their thoughts as the conductor, not their bodies. This type of sexual intimacy creates a pleasure that is otherworldly and immensely gratifying, especially to the soul, because that's where it originates.
If you sense that you have reunited with a Twin Flame, take caution. This reunion wasn't designed to reward your journey with a "Happily Ever After," like a Hollywood film. It was designed to awaken you to who you truly are, and to help you learn to love from the highest plane we can experience while here on earth; the plane where truly unconditional love exists, also called Heaven.
It was designed to unleash your soul from the captivity of your ego self and shine light on your real and truest identity.
In closing, remember that Heaven, like true love, cannot be possessed or manipulated. It can only be experienced, and if it comes, trust that you've been blessed, even if it doesn't stay very long.
Lovingly submitted to all searching souls,