Let’s be honest, Love is the main reason we suffer on this earthly plane. Is it not?
We spend much of our time wondering if someone loves us, or will ever love us? We spend time wondering whether our marriages will last, or if we will ever find the love our lives. We spend time wondering if friends really love us, and sometimes whether our parents do. Correct?
To add to that, many of us feel that we’ve been deprived or cannot attain that which we desire most in love, right?
Then we blame God, the Universe, a ghost, or just plain bad luck.
We convince ourselves that Love will pass, or has passed us by because we are victims of a cruel Universe.
Not True!
I’m here to remind us that there is a higher purpose for uncertainty and suffering, particularly in love:
And it’s called Humanity.
The beauty of Humanity is that it’s always teaching us to grasp and live in the present moment.
Humanity teaches us to be humble and to see our desires as legitimate, but not worthy of a self-absorbed emotional or mental life.
As humans, we are here to learn how to make good and better choices, and to steer our destinies; to take control of our lives, through the storms and upsets, and to make our way toward peaceful waters.
Through the storms, life teaches us that we are not here to rely on fate.
It teaches us that we are not here to rely solely on predictions, premonitions and omens, but instead to make the most of them all using our gift of intelligence.
Let me be clearest:
While we all have personal desires for Love, if they become self-focused, we turn away and shut ourselves down from Higher Love; that which we desire most.
Higher Love is about the expansion of the heart to sense the presence of love in the atmosphere, to fully embrace the love that is offered to us from others, and to transcend self-centered desires that bereft us of the beauty of Love that energizes the entire World.
What I'm saying is that we can be part of the problem of love-starvation in the world, or we can be part of the solution.
We can stay stuck in complaining and misery, or we can rise above to higher heights.
The choice is ours.
The purpose of this entry is to help lead us toward the clarity needed for understanding how love works in our lives, so that we are not all-consumed by its power, and so that we become enlightened souls who do not assume that fate and destiny are in control of our love lives.
While much has been written about fate, at is essence, it is about chance. Fate is about the “cards we are dealt in life.” In that way, fate is about how we play our hands, and is not the same as “destiny,” which is to be described later. Fate teaches us to be better captains and engineers of the directions of our lives and to become better decision-makers; the Universe is always giving us potential, and that is fate. It us up to us as to what we will do with that fate, to accept it, and sometimes through conscious decision-making change or alter it.
Karma has to do with the choices we make in life. It works together with fate to help us become conscious of how to direct the experiences we've created and inherited. Yes, karma is both created and inherited. Through Karma, we become more aware of the way that fate is working in our lives. When we make good decisions, we have good karmic outcomes. When we make poor decisions, we have poor karmic outcomes. In this way, we can influence fate. Our choices determine our karma, and our karma determines our fate.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “destiny” in a way that means “finality.“ But the truth is that destiny is not final. Destiny, like the Universe itself, is ever-flowing and fluid. The beauty of life is that we can make choices that affect destiny. The choices we make create and become our karmic outcomes, and the potential which brought the opportunity for those choices to us in the first place is the work of fate. Destiny is an outcome of the choices we make (karma) based on the potential, which is fate.
But, like fate or karma, destiny is not predetermined. It is a combination of fate and karma. To become the masters of destiny, and what happens in our lives, we must first become the masters and engineers of fate and karma. We must first declare that we are not victims of either.
Next time you wonder if you're destined to be with a particular person, stop yourself. The choice is yours. The fate and karma of your life are up to you. And your destiny is yours to control.
If you would like assistance on figuring out how fate, karma, and destiny can be transformed in your life, please contact me at [email protected]
Submitted with love,
We spend much of our time wondering if someone loves us, or will ever love us? We spend time wondering whether our marriages will last, or if we will ever find the love our lives. We spend time wondering if friends really love us, and sometimes whether our parents do. Correct?
To add to that, many of us feel that we’ve been deprived or cannot attain that which we desire most in love, right?
Then we blame God, the Universe, a ghost, or just plain bad luck.
We convince ourselves that Love will pass, or has passed us by because we are victims of a cruel Universe.
Not True!
I’m here to remind us that there is a higher purpose for uncertainty and suffering, particularly in love:
And it’s called Humanity.
The beauty of Humanity is that it’s always teaching us to grasp and live in the present moment.
Humanity teaches us to be humble and to see our desires as legitimate, but not worthy of a self-absorbed emotional or mental life.
As humans, we are here to learn how to make good and better choices, and to steer our destinies; to take control of our lives, through the storms and upsets, and to make our way toward peaceful waters.
Through the storms, life teaches us that we are not here to rely on fate.
It teaches us that we are not here to rely solely on predictions, premonitions and omens, but instead to make the most of them all using our gift of intelligence.
Let me be clearest:
While we all have personal desires for Love, if they become self-focused, we turn away and shut ourselves down from Higher Love; that which we desire most.
Higher Love is about the expansion of the heart to sense the presence of love in the atmosphere, to fully embrace the love that is offered to us from others, and to transcend self-centered desires that bereft us of the beauty of Love that energizes the entire World.
What I'm saying is that we can be part of the problem of love-starvation in the world, or we can be part of the solution.
We can stay stuck in complaining and misery, or we can rise above to higher heights.
The choice is ours.
The purpose of this entry is to help lead us toward the clarity needed for understanding how love works in our lives, so that we are not all-consumed by its power, and so that we become enlightened souls who do not assume that fate and destiny are in control of our love lives.
While much has been written about fate, at is essence, it is about chance. Fate is about the “cards we are dealt in life.” In that way, fate is about how we play our hands, and is not the same as “destiny,” which is to be described later. Fate teaches us to be better captains and engineers of the directions of our lives and to become better decision-makers; the Universe is always giving us potential, and that is fate. It us up to us as to what we will do with that fate, to accept it, and sometimes through conscious decision-making change or alter it.
Karma has to do with the choices we make in life. It works together with fate to help us become conscious of how to direct the experiences we've created and inherited. Yes, karma is both created and inherited. Through Karma, we become more aware of the way that fate is working in our lives. When we make good decisions, we have good karmic outcomes. When we make poor decisions, we have poor karmic outcomes. In this way, we can influence fate. Our choices determine our karma, and our karma determines our fate.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “destiny” in a way that means “finality.“ But the truth is that destiny is not final. Destiny, like the Universe itself, is ever-flowing and fluid. The beauty of life is that we can make choices that affect destiny. The choices we make create and become our karmic outcomes, and the potential which brought the opportunity for those choices to us in the first place is the work of fate. Destiny is an outcome of the choices we make (karma) based on the potential, which is fate.
But, like fate or karma, destiny is not predetermined. It is a combination of fate and karma. To become the masters of destiny, and what happens in our lives, we must first become the masters and engineers of fate and karma. We must first declare that we are not victims of either.
Next time you wonder if you're destined to be with a particular person, stop yourself. The choice is yours. The fate and karma of your life are up to you. And your destiny is yours to control.
If you would like assistance on figuring out how fate, karma, and destiny can be transformed in your life, please contact me at [email protected]
Submitted with love,