So, I thought I’d write regular pieces on specific cards and the themes I notice over any given month.
This month, I’ve chosen the nine of wands because a number of people have recently come to me in search of insight regarding new and existing relationships. Questions have arisen such as: “Will this relationship work?” “What can I do to improve this relationship?” and “How does this person feel about me?”
Now, while there are human ways to answer those questions, being an oracle, the Tarot doesn’t answer them as a human would. The Tarot answers them in ways that point to certain lessons you need to learn in order to progress in life, reach your goals, and achieve more satisfying relationships with others – beginning with yourself!
Remember: The Tarot (as an oracle) is all about self-discovery! The goal is to help you transform thought habits and patterns that keep you stuck in seemingly endless cycles of anxiety, disappointment and sometimes pain. It is not simply to tell your fortune so that you can go through life relying on fate to determine your experiences and outcomes, or to constantly relieve you of anxiety.
The Oracle is the “mouthpiece” of sentient beings called Spirit Guides, Angels, and even your own Soul.
Sentient beings are not human, they do not have human mouths or human brains or names. They speak through oracles and omens. Intuitives, psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants are interpreters of the language of Spirit and oracle. We are the human decoders and mouthpieces of the invisible and non-human.
Lots to cover here! Hope I haven’t lost you!
OK. Back to the nine of wands. In the Tarot, it is a card that is depicted by a person who is holding one staff with eight others behind them. The image portrays a person who is guarding what they have and is alert to being pillaged or taken advantage of. It also portrays a person who appears to be in a holding or stationary position, as if not ready or able to move ahead just yet.
Without going into the history of the Tarot, and all of the many ways that this card is depicted, or even the symbolism of the number nine in numerology, I will say that this is the card of boundaries, waiting, watching, and being patient.
So, if this card appears in your reading, it is most likely you have lessons in one or all of those areas. And, if you want your relationships to improve, you must master these lessons. The card is telling you that your experiences have met with anxiety and perhaps letdown because you haven’t established correct boundaries with others, you have moved too fast at times, and that you need to slow down, take caution and keep your guard up against being taken advantage of.
Make sense so far?
The card says: “The fate of the outcome depends on your ability to grow in these areas of life and human interaction.”
Again, if you see this card: Take heed! Don’t rely on fate. Examine yourself, your impulses, and thought patterns that have caused you to question what intuition has likely already told you.
The Tarot as an oracle is about self-discovery and the lessons you need to learn in order to listen to your own inner voice, deepen faith in yourself, and connect you more intimately to your truest path and the Spirit World. It is an oracle designed to lead you out of obscurity, self-doubt and an over-reliance on fate -- so that you can achieve the goals you’ve established as a Soul here on earth.
I am now offering one-on-one in person instruction on Tarot. If you are interested in this service and deepening your intuitive abilities, please click here.
To email me for more options, click here.
Submitted with love,