Many self-proclaimed "healers" will try to convince you that you need pay them in order to cleanse you of negative vibrations and feelings--they will tell you that you've been "cursed" or "hexed"--they will tell you that in order to change your circumstances you need them.
Nothing could be further from the truth--and if someone tries to sell you on that nonsense--Run!!!
The first truth is that as children of Mother Earth, we mirror its qualities. Mother Earth is made up of 71% water, and as infants we are made up of about 75% water. We are children of Earth, but we are truly children of Water.
The second truth is that as children of Water, we have the natural ability to swim inside of ourselves and to cleanse any emotions that may be contaminating our water--our water is the connecting element that keeps the living essence (God) inside of us healthy and in balance.
Are you ready to dive in and explore your water?
Developing a spiritual life is like developing any other talent or skill--it takes patience, persistence, courage, motivation and commitment--mostly it takes a willingness to delve inside of your emotions and to get in touch with what they are communicating to you.
If you are carrying around negative emotions that have been repressed for a long time, chances are your water is containing some debris; chances are that your water isn't flowing and it isn't clear.
Don't be alarmed! Remember: You are a child of Water, equipped with a natural ability to swim through your own, and therefore cleanse it, restore it and purify it yourself.
The following tips are general and should help you get a good start. For further guidance, please contact me directly at 612-567-0493.
In light,
Tip 1:
Create a space within your home (preferably your bedroom) that will be dedicated to you and your essence--the living water inside of you. Be generous with yourself and your space; adorn it with all four Elements (candles contain all four) and all the things you like; all the things (such as photos, flowers, etc) that make you feel good, affirmed, and alive! Pay attention to colors, and use those that excite your senses and which associate you with the feeling of tranquility and cleanliness. Don't forget to use bowls of fresh water and candles--there would be no fire without water, folks, and you want to especially honor those elements!!
Tip 2:
Set aside a time each day to sit in the space you have created for yourself. Be ritualistic about it and keep to a scheduled time every day to just sit with yourself in your special place.
Tip 3:
Keep a journal on hand to write down any thoughts or emotions that come up for you as you sit with yourself. Write any questions down that may surface as well. And, of course if answers come, write those down, too!!
Tip 4:
Drink lots of water, making bathing and showering a ritual--use essential oils, scented soaps, and those things that make loving fun!!! After all, you are loving yourself, right?
Tip 5:
Focus on forgiving yourself and others. This is about love, love, love! So, practice being your own mother, counselor, confidante and best friend. When a situation comes up that seems hurtful or confusing, try pretending like you were an outsider looking in and give yourself the advice you would give to your own best friend. Then, trust that you have spoken from your source of compassion and wisdom and follow it!
Nothing could be further from the truth--and if someone tries to sell you on that nonsense--Run!!!
The first truth is that as children of Mother Earth, we mirror its qualities. Mother Earth is made up of 71% water, and as infants we are made up of about 75% water. We are children of Earth, but we are truly children of Water.
The second truth is that as children of Water, we have the natural ability to swim inside of ourselves and to cleanse any emotions that may be contaminating our water--our water is the connecting element that keeps the living essence (God) inside of us healthy and in balance.
Are you ready to dive in and explore your water?
Developing a spiritual life is like developing any other talent or skill--it takes patience, persistence, courage, motivation and commitment--mostly it takes a willingness to delve inside of your emotions and to get in touch with what they are communicating to you.
If you are carrying around negative emotions that have been repressed for a long time, chances are your water is containing some debris; chances are that your water isn't flowing and it isn't clear.
Don't be alarmed! Remember: You are a child of Water, equipped with a natural ability to swim through your own, and therefore cleanse it, restore it and purify it yourself.
The following tips are general and should help you get a good start. For further guidance, please contact me directly at 612-567-0493.
In light,
Tip 1:
Create a space within your home (preferably your bedroom) that will be dedicated to you and your essence--the living water inside of you. Be generous with yourself and your space; adorn it with all four Elements (candles contain all four) and all the things you like; all the things (such as photos, flowers, etc) that make you feel good, affirmed, and alive! Pay attention to colors, and use those that excite your senses and which associate you with the feeling of tranquility and cleanliness. Don't forget to use bowls of fresh water and candles--there would be no fire without water, folks, and you want to especially honor those elements!!
Tip 2:
Set aside a time each day to sit in the space you have created for yourself. Be ritualistic about it and keep to a scheduled time every day to just sit with yourself in your special place.
Tip 3:
Keep a journal on hand to write down any thoughts or emotions that come up for you as you sit with yourself. Write any questions down that may surface as well. And, of course if answers come, write those down, too!!
Tip 4:
Drink lots of water, making bathing and showering a ritual--use essential oils, scented soaps, and those things that make loving fun!!! After all, you are loving yourself, right?
Tip 5:
Focus on forgiving yourself and others. This is about love, love, love! So, practice being your own mother, counselor, confidante and best friend. When a situation comes up that seems hurtful or confusing, try pretending like you were an outsider looking in and give yourself the advice you would give to your own best friend. Then, trust that you have spoken from your source of compassion and wisdom and follow it!